Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Jessy's BF in chili peppers trousers- hot! ;) I Jessys Freund in einer Chilischotenhose - hot!;)

Day 2 was more of a Showroom day for me. I didn't have any shows until late afternoon and I spent my day with Van Anh and Milly at the Premium strolling through the exhibition. Sadly, it wasn't allowed to take any pictures inside the Premium.
We meet the lovely girls from Ready to Fish, hanged a while with them and took pictures together. I loved their clothes and furniture (!) there. If I'm in Amsterdam on a Friday I will definitely check out their Friday Afternoon cocktails, they have every month.
We lusted over the shoes at the Jeffrey Campbell stand and after a long day strolling through the exhibition and chatting with the designers or representatives and collecting cards and bags, it was time to leave.

But not until Milly and me got to party it up at the exclusive Armani section on the site!
Funny thing was, I was just curious to see if there was another section of the Premium behind the huge (hot) poster of Megan Fox and Rafael Nadal. Instead I found a reception and a bodyguard standing in the doorway.
The girl at the reception was a girl from my school! Small world, huh? She was so kind to let me and Milly enter the party :D
Inside, we got a good look at the new "project" Armani is having and went out to the exclusiv terrace: Music at full blast, glasses of champagne being passed around by the catering service and rich people having a small talk. Ofcourse this was a picture free zone too :(
Anyway we left after a few minutes as time was running out.

I was supposed to go to the Bread&Butter afterward too and the Greenshowroom, but there was no time as I was already rushing back to the tent to hop into one of the shuttle services to escort me to the Wood Wood show. Prior to Wood Wood I met up with Jessica and Dawid to find something to little eat, bumped into The Clothes Whisper and we were already on our way to Wood Wood.

ph.:  Jessica,The Clothes WhisperNisi

Magical show! The red dress and green jumper are already high on my wishlist. Sigh...

Sadly most of the pictures from the premium are with Van Ahn and she is living it up big time in Vietnam at the moment. Which reminds me, I'm off to Verona on Thursday for a two week holiday! :D
For the meantime I've stolen some pictures from Nisi from the Premium.

Lipstick I Lippenstift: THANKS TO Limecrime
Blouse I Bluse: unknown
Jacket Jacke: New Yorker
Camera Kamera: THANKS TO Lomography
Jumpsuit worn as shorts I Jumpsuit als Shorts: H&M
Ring: Market Markt in Florence
Necklace Kette: H&M
Shoes Schuhe: Billybi

Love Lois xxx

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Monday, July 25, 2011


Strenesse Blue S/S '12 Runway
So this was my first runway show evaaa. Even though, I was informed beforehand that the show was packed and unfortunately I wouldn't be able to see the show. Somehow I ended up sitting third row next to Jessy! (No I didn't sneak in. xD Some random guy gifted me his card. Lucky me :D And btw, the show was by no means packed.)
I was more than excited, because I was about to be officially runway show devirginized.
Victoria Strehle's collection was very pretty and had a good summervibe to it. The mini-dresses were gorgeous and the maxidresses, made from light material, were airy. Summerbreeze...
Noticeable were the gold detailing, as well as colorful snake prints and transparency.
Main colors I noticed were nude, a touch of neon green and gold, but also some blue, from single looks that reminded a bit of the marine style.
Favorite piece? The sexy nude dress!
And about my runway show devirginization ? What an experience. Runway shows rule!

The picture was taken with a  Diana F+ CMYK from Lomography and you can read my articles in the Lomography Magazine here soon. Isn't the picture kinda artsy? :) I don't know what I was doing there, but it turned out pretty cool :)


Strenesse Blue S/S '12 Runway
Also das war meine erste runway show evaaa. Obwohl man mir vorher sagte, dass die Show leider komplett ausgebucht war und ich nicht zuschauen könnte. Irgendwie saß ich dann in der 3. Reihe neben  Jessy!
(Nein ich habe mich nicht reingeschmuggelt xD Ein Typ hat mir seine Karte geschenkt. Lucky me :D Und btw, die Show war keines Falls komplett ausgebucht.)
Ich war unglaublich aufgeregt, denn ich stand kurz davor offiziell runway show entjungfert zu werden.
Victoria Strehles Kollektion war schön und versprühte ein echtes Summerfeeling. Die Minikleider waren wunderschön und die Maxikleider aus leichtem Material, waren luftig. Summerbreeze...
Auffallend waren die goldenen Details, wie auch die bunten Snake-prints und die Transparenz.
Hauptfarben, die mir auffielen, waren nude, ein Hauch von neongrün und gold, aber auch ein bisschen blau in einzelnen Looks, die an den Marine-Style erinnerten.

Lieblingsteil? Das sexy nudefarbende Kleid!
Und zu meiner runway show entjungferung ? Was für ein Erlebnis. Runway shows rule!

Das Bild wurde mit einer  Diana F+ CMYK von Lomography gemacht und meine Artikel werden in Kürze auch im Lomography Magazin zu finden sein: hier. Ist das Bild nicht irgendwie artsy? :) Ich weiß nicht was ich da gemacht habe, aber es sieht ziemlich cool aus :)

Love Lois xxx

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Friday, July 22, 2011


ph: Desi

Being snapped while eating, talking intensly or laughing out loud like a loon results in ridiculous pictures like these. Haha! I was stalked unawaresly, other wise I would have looked like a fashionista in the making in each shot like thisthis or maybe rather this ?
Fact is, we don't always look 100% wonderfully beautiful and perfect. So what? :)
Happy Friday everyone!
Have a lovely weekend :)
If the weather stays so bad as today, I'm going to sit in with Sex and the City, comfy socks and PJs. Nothing beats a comfy bed on rainy days.


Fotografiert zu werden, während man isst, sehr intensiv in ein Gespräch verwickelt ist oder lauthals lacht wie ein Spasst resultiert in Bilder wie oben. Haha! Ich wurde gestalkt, ohne dass ich es wusste, denn sonst hätte ich auf jedem Bild wie eine Fashionista in the Making geguckt wie hierhier oder doch eher so ?
Fakt ist, wir sehen nicht immer 100% wunderschön aus. Ist doch auch egal :)
Einen schönen Freitag euch!
Habt einen tolles Wochenende :)
Wenn das Wetter so bleibt wie heute, mach ich mir das ganze Wochenende einen Kuschelabend mit Sex and the City, Kuschelsocken und Pyjamas. Nichts ist geiler, als ein gemütliches Bett an regnerischen Tagen.

Love Lois xxx

Ps.: The pictures are from the Scotch and Soda Event. I Die Bilder sind beim Scotch and Soda Event entstanden :)

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Thursday, July 21, 2011


last picture I letztes Bild via teetharejade

So here as promised the pictures of the goodie bags. The first one is from the Scotch and Soda Opening and the other goodies are from the various shows and events during the Fashion Week.
The Scotch and Soda Bag had the best gifts: a necklace, hair pins, a travelling candle (which smells so bad, it's unbelievable! xD ), a sleeping mask and a leather purse for your phone!
From other bags I got a little nail polish, a gift voucher for Japanese Cuisine, Toothpaste and body wash and a makeup purse and so many bags I could start my own shop xD
Oh yeah I was allowed to keep the Key from Scotch and Soda, that now hangs around my neck as a cute little necklace :D


Hier sind wie versprochen die Bilder meinen Goodiebags. Die ersten Bilder sind von der Scotch and Soda Opening Goodiebag, die anderen von den anderen Shows and Events während der Fashion Week.
Die Scotch and Soda Goodiebag hatte die tollsten Geschenke: eine Kette, Haarspangen, eine "Traveling Candle" (eine Kerze die so unglaublich stinkt! xD), eine Schlafmaske und ein Lederetui fürs Handy!
Aus anderen Tschen erhielt ich einen Nagellack, einen Gutschein für den Japaner, Zahnpasta und Duschgel und eine Makeup-Tasche und so viele Stoffbeutel, dass ich meinen eigenen Laden eröffnen könnte xD
Ach ja, ich durfte ja den Scotch and Soda Schlüssel behalten. Der hängt jetzt an meiner Kette :D
Love Lois xxx

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