Thursday, June 16, 2011


Please people I need your help. It would be amazing if you could all click like here.
I'd be so grateful and you'd make me the happiest girl in the world.
I need each and everyone of you to vote.
You have to like the page first. Just click here and then here!
Thank YOU!

ps.: I still have to get back to your lovely comments. Dont worry, I havent forgotten you. I'm just a little slow :P


Leute ich brauche ganz dringend eure Hilfe. Es wäre super wenn ihr alle here klicken könntet.
Ich wäre euch so dankbar und ihr würdet mich das glücklichste Mädchen der Welt machen.
Ich brauche jede einzelne Stimme von euch.
Ihr müsst erst die Seite liken. Klickt einfach hier und dann hier!
Danke EUCH!

ps.: Ich muss noch einige liebe Kommentare beantworten. Keine Sorge, ich habe euch nicht vergessen. Ich bin einfach etwas langsam :P

Love Lois xxx

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011


via unknown

Loving these! I'm developing a thing for cateye glasses. Uh la la...


Liebe diese Sonnenbrille! Ich entwickele gerade etwas für Cateye Sonnenbrillen. Uh la la...

Love Lois xxx

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via unkown

STUNNER! Title says it all. Those cat eye sunglasses look fierce in combination with red hair and red lipstick.


STUNNER! Der Titel sagt ja schon alles. Diese Cat-eye Sonnenbrille sieht so fierce aus in Kombination mit den roten Haaren und dem roten Lippenstift.

Love Lois xxx

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Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Must be one of my best finds ever! I found these amazing polishes on a rainy day in one of Florence's market a bit out of town. I can't really remember what the name was, but it's a rather small market compared to the one in town. Guess my day wasn't so gloomy afterall after I found these polishes! ;)
They are such eyecatchers and I loooove them.
Sadly there is no name on it except for "polish laquer smalto SHOCK Made in Italy". I doubt that that is the brand...
They were only 1€ for 12ml !! Bargainius! :)


Das müsste eines meiner besten Fünde je sein! Ich habe diese tollen Nagellacke an einem regnerischen Tag in einem von Florenzs Flohmärkten gefunden etwas außerhalb der Stadt. Leider weiß ich nicht mehr genau wie der hieß, aber es war ein eher kleiner Markt im Vergleich zu dem in der Stadt. Ich schätze mein Tag war dann doch nicht so gloomy nach dem ich diese Lacke gefunden hab! ;)
Das sind echte eyecatcher und ich lieeeebe sie.
Leider ist auf dem Lacken kein Name drauf außer "polish laquer smalto SHOCK Made in Italy". Ich bezweifele, dass das die Marke ist...
Sie haben nur 1€ für 12ml gekostet!!! Bargainius! :)

Love Lois xxx

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Monday, June 13, 2011


3 shots from the Latin American Wagon I 3 Schnapschüsse vom Latein Amerikanischem Wagen:

ph.: ALL by Me

Top: Handmade especially for me I Handgemacht für mich
Simple black skirt (not shown): H&M

If you don't have enough of money to travel the world to get to know different cultures, the Karneval der Kulturen is a nice alternative. And Berlin's diversity has a lot to offer - so many people to represent the different nations.
Sunday was my first time at the Karneval der Kulturen and I was in for lots of loud music, colors and prints, dancing and a lot of walking all the way from Südstern to Yorkstraße. Well, atleast the Ghana wagon was making it's supporters dance. It was nice to get to know more people from my country living in Berlin, especially the youth.(Funny thing is, you've met these faces years ago at random family celebrations or weddings).
And I was amazed by the massive crowd of supporters for Ghana, lots of Germans feeling at home in the Ghana crowd :)
At some point there were more Germans than Ghanaians dancing behind that wagon! Haha.

Ps.: I see that no post were posted during my stay in Florence. Oh well.. I'll just post them in the following days and the Florence pictures will be up as soon I've sorted them out :)


Wenn man nicht genug Geld hat, um die ganze Welt zu bereisen, um die verschiedenen Kulturen kennen zulernen, ist der Karneval der Kulturen eine schöne Alternative. Und Berlin's Diversität hat viel zu bieten - so viele Menschen, die die verschiedensten Nationen vertreten können.
Sonntag war mein erstes Mal beim Karneval der Kulturen und mich erwartete viel laute Musik, Farben und Prints, tanzen und viel laufen vom Südstern bis zur Yorckstraße. Naja, jedenfalls hat der Ghana-Wagen seine Anhänger zum Tanzen gezwungen :) Es war schön mehr Leute aus meinem Land, die in Berlin leben kennen zu lernen, besonders die Jugendlichen. (Lustige ist, die Gesichter hat man bereits vor Jahren bei irgendwelchen Familienfeiern oder Hochzeiten getroffen).
Und ich war sehr überrascht über die große Zahl an Anhängern für Ghana, viele Deutsche, die sich in der Ghana-Masse zu Hause fühlten. :)
An einem Punkt gab es sogar mehr Deutsche als Ghanaer, die hinter dem Ghana-Wagen tanzten! Haha :D

Ps.: Es wurde keine Posts in meiner Florenzzeit gepostet. Ach die postet ich dann halt in den nächsten Tagen und die Florenzbilder kommen sobald ich sie aussortiert habe :)

Schönen Pfingstmontag noch!
Love Lois xxx

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Monday, June 06, 2011


Creativity at an ultimate Level I Kreativität auf einem ultimativem Level

Looking through some of my designs of my room (I redesign it a lot on paper), there has been an element that dates back to 2006 and has been in each design. The illuminated shoe case. It's an simple ikea bookcase with lights in each department. Now I'm not a light architect, but I figured I could put a little lamp at the top of each department hence the name illuminated shoe case.
Now take this idea and multiply it across an entire wall, turn of the main lights, put that of the shoe case on : Welcome to the United Nude Store.
This is what I mean with taken creativity to another level.

Going to an United Nude store must feel like going to an art exhibition, only that you can buy your favorite piece of art and take it with home. :D
I can't wait till I finally get to enter one of their flagship stores. Ultimate experience!

Their shoes are crazy, odd, weird! They are so freakishly creative, infact my first response upon seeing United Nude shoes was "What is this crazy shit?!" quickly followed with a "It's awesome!"
Love at first sight.
The designer duo behind this label is Rem D Koolhaas and Galahad Clark, an architect and a shoe maker, and it was founded in 2003. After reading more about them my appreciation for their designs grew even wider.
Their shoes are like pure art to me and the more I look at them the more I appreciate them. I love the architectual touch and the creativity behind United Nude and simply the idea of combining fashion with architecture.
Truth is, I've been wanting to become an architect but also a fashion designer for a while. United Nude makes both happen :)

United Nude collaborated with Iris van Herpen, a dutch designer.

It took my a while to actually like these shoes, simply because I found the lines too distracting and I couldn't make up my mind whether this was a wedge or a heel. Today I adore this shoe and love the deceiving effect. The brown model is also one of my favorite designs. But you'd never catch me in the first pair (white) as they are just too odd for me :)

Another reason why I love United Nude is that even though they are so crazy their designs are still totally wearable! (Can't say that about Lady Gaga)
They've become my ultimate inspiration pump and fueled me to believe that everything is possible, dream bigger and combine possibilities.
We'll be an never ending love story. If United Nude was a man, this would be the moment I'd ask him to marry me :P

My top 6 favorite shoes in no particular order. It was hard picking them out. Naturally, there are also some shoes that I don't like, but I look at them with different eyes now.

I'd love to wear United Nude shoes to Fashion Week this summer. Fashion week feels like a free pass to wearing crazy outfits, things you don't wear during your everyday life unless you are Lady Gaga ofcourse. 
The only legimate time of the year you can to go all gaga/experimental when it comes to dressing. And these shoes are made for Fashion Week (not that I wouldn't wear them every other day anyway :P) They are stunners and immediate eye catchers ;)
Infact they've got my mind spinning over potential outfits to Fashion Week.

Created to inspire. 
I believe that that is the reason behind Lady Gaga... ahhh I could go on for hours with my theories on human behaviour! Maybe I should become a psycologist :P More on my Lady Gaga theory another time ;)

We owe United Nude and Lady Gaga a lot, they make up for the lost hope, creativity and fantasies in the oh so boring people of our lost society.
This is as obvious as inspiration can get. And we need to welcome it with open arms and appreciate it.

Love Lois xxx

Ps: See you in a week! Off to Florence :D

pps: What do you get when you cross an architect with a shoe maker? United Nude ;P