Saturday, March 25, 2017


Ruffle bell sleeves lois opoku lisforlois
Hey Guys,

It's a wonderful Saturday and initially I wanted to go shoot some more content for the blog today. But let's just I say I had one of the most random Berlin nights last night and I'm still feeling the aftermath of an excessive party night. Haven't had so much fun in a while. Berlin's randomness that can make or break a night is kind part of its magic.
I'm off to the cinema to watch Beauty and the Beast. Can't wait to see Emma Watson bring Belle to live!

Go enjoy the sun, your day and have a wonderful weekend!

Love Lois xxx

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Fur schnürtop lois opoku lisforlois
Hey guys,

It's finally spring, the days are seemingly getting (not really) but occasionally the sun comes out to play in Berlin. Soon spring will be in full bloom and I'll be able to shed all those layer that kept me warm. I found this coat I bought maybe 3 or 4 years ago at Zara in my closet. I mnust admit I have a lot of clothes I buy during Sale season and end up at the back of my closet after of month of excessively wearing them. I've kind of fallen for this fur ball again, although it makes me look somewhat like a bird haha! The rest of the pieces I'm wearing are all sale finds, the strappy top is from last year Zara, the bag I got in January - also Zara. The pants I found at Bershka and I must admit I was surprised at the perfect fit. As you know my booty-to-hips ratio is not made for the European market aka "slim thick with your cute ass"-Problem. Only Levis introduced pants made for my shape - the Levis Curve ID (I'm a bold curve), but Levis is costly and the wash I have I don't wear that often.
These pants from Bershka fit like Curve IDs. My shoes were my biggest steal 12,99 Mango.. uh yes?!

Good night kids!