Hey Guys,
It happened! It was my first time at Berlinale (ok let's not count that one time I went to Berlinale as part of my school curriculum in what must have been 6th grade and I actually saw a movie.) all thanks to L'Oreal Paris. The reason I was attending Berlinale was because of L'Oreal Paris opening of The Atelier, a special space dedicated to showcasing L'Oreal Paris new products in . During the Berlinale The Atelier opened its doors to public allowing everyone to discover their latest products in a fun way. You could get your hair done and try out their new one-day-sprays (pastell pink, blue and grey are my fav!) inspired by the Instagram-Culture or get a full on make up glow with all their latest releases or test out their super cool app called MakeUp Guru (they had a few iPads installed around the space), which has been on the market for at least more than a year now. It basically lets you test out their looks on your complexion prior to buying the products and kind of works like a snapchat filter.