
Thursday, December 12, 2013


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Hey guys,

I'm back from my two day trip with Adidas NEO (which was super awesome!!!!). Although I'm a mastress of attending multiple events in one night (somebody give me a medal!) I haven't quite conquered the skill of attending multiple events in two cities in one night nor the art of telepathy or Hermoine Style time travelling.
So what was going on in big B Town while I was away? What did I miss? A really awesome event I had the honour of being one of the very few lucky bloggers to be invited to that I have been looking forward to for a week until I realized the day of my departure to Nürnberg with Adidas NEO that it was that very day. I'm talking about the Forever 21's very special Christmas Shopping Night hosted by Bonnie Strange.

Have you ever thought about raiding a shop with a group of friends past opening hours and getting to keep the clothes for free? Well basically that's exactly what happened at Forever 21. But add in Bonnie Strange as your personal stylist for the night and you got yourself a Forever 21's very special Christmas Shopping Night. And of course the permission to do so!

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Sadly I can't be in two places at once. Crying a river...
But I ain't complaining! :D
Let's just envy my lucky babes Ina, Dogi and Caro with Senna (yes, Senna from Monrose), shall we?
forever 21 christmas shopping night
Ph.: Stefan Hähnel, Ina

Love Lois xxx

1 comment:

  1. Cool post my dear <3 :-) And booooonnyyyy strange <3 I love her!

    xoxo van


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois