
Friday, December 06, 2013


G-Shock G-Sessions Final Berlin lisforlois

Last Thursday I attended one of the coolest parties! Now, I've told you before how much I like G-Shock G-Sessions events as they always happen to take place at the right place at the right time with the right people. Well last Thursday was the final party with all G-Sessions across Europe coming to an end here in Berlin. With music by Kid Simius, DJ Stylewarz, ESKEI83 and a performance by Genetikk, who apparently happen to be the hottest rap duo in the German music scene, lots of drinks and an international crowd, the night was bound to be amazing. In celebration also of G-Shocks 30th anniversary the Kraftwerk Berlin (perfect location btw!) turned into part exhibition/ huge dance floor.
The finalist of the G-Session Design Contest London, Milan, Barcelona, Paris, New York, St.Petersburg, Amsterdam and Berlin presented their designs as well. Winner of the contest was St.Petersburg's Nikita Vilkin Yarutskiy. Their design was awarded with 5000€.
I personally loved Berlin's watch which was designed by Thomas Harnisch and Patrick Mohr so I also voted for them. But they world crowned St.Petersburg's watch to be the best. It will be available exclusively at Colette Paris from 12.12.2013 and in all G-Shock Stores in January. The other finalist watches will be available as limited edition.
As for the night itself believe me when I say it was amazeballs!!
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ph.: Me, G-Shock

Love Lois xxx


  1. Tolle Bilder. Auch wenns hier um Uhren geht ;-) aber Dein Rock ist der Wahnsinn!!!!
    LG Aziza

  2. Sehr schönes Outfit!! Ich liebe deinen Rock!!

    Liebe Grüße,
    Verena von

    Übrigens gibt es wieder eine neue "show your style" - Aktion auf meinem Blog! Alles weitere erfährst du hier. Es würde mich sehr freuen wenn du mitmachen würdest! :)


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois