
Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Hey my little readers

How have you been? I haven't been too good myself. In fact, I'm actually quite sick. I don't know really what I have, but I went to the doctor today. We are still not quite sure. But they had to take blood. Being sick is just very annoying, you can hardly do anything, but lie around and hope to be better soon. I wasn't even able to go to school today. But I still tried to update my blog.
I have a few new followers! Welcome honeys to my blog, my world and simply LOIS. :)
Check back tomorrow for a new INTRODUCING Post. Wanna know who it is? *drum roll.*.. You will have to wait for tomorrow! ;) Have great day. I'm not sure if I can go to school tomorrow...
Anyway, I'm retreating with a hot cup of coffee and "The Devil wears Prada".
Oh and always feel free to comment, even on older/old posts if you wish. You can aswell hit the L is for Love/Like button.
Big kiss from me.

Wait! I wanna know: what's your favourite tea? Haha :) I'm being silly^^ But you are allowed to answer that question :D
Hallo meine kleinen Leser

Wie gehts euch so? Mir gehts nicht so gut. Bin krank. Ich weiß nicht genau was ich habe, aber ich war heute auch schon beim Artzt. Wir wissen es trozdem nicht so genau. Mir wurde aber Blut abgenommen. Krank sein nervt, man kann kaum ertwas erledigen, außer rumliegen und hoffen, dass man gesund wird. Ich konnte auch nicht zur Schule gehen. Aber ich hab trotzdem versucht, meinen Blog zu updaten.
Ich hab neue followers! Willkommen honeys, zu meinem Blog, meine Welt und einfach :)
Schaut morgen nochmal vorbei für einen INTRODUCING post.Wollt ihr wissen über wen? *trommelwirbel*... Ihr musst schon bis morgen warten! ;) Habt einen tollen Tag. Ich weiß nicht recht ob, dass mit Schule morgen klappt...
Jedenfalls leg ich mich jetzt hin mit einem heißen Tee und "Der Teufel trägt Prada".
Ihr seid immer willkommen zu commentieren auch auf älteren/alten posts. Der L is for Like/Love button darf natürlich auch betätigt werden.
Einen großen Kuss von mir.

Halt! Ich will wissen: Was ist eure Lieblingsteesorte? Haha :) Bin nur albern^^ Du darfst die Frage trotzdem beantworten :D

Love Lois xxx

This isn't actually a picture from today. Had no energy and I pretty much look crap :)


  1. Hope you feel better! You look lovely--nice rings!

    Check out my giveaway!


  2. Hi there!
    For feeling not so well, you look stunning girl!
    Happy I found your blog, it's so nice! L is for LOVELY!
    Wanna be followers? Let me know!

    Love from Stockholm..

  3. you seem so nice :) hope you'll get better soon


  4. awww feel better! i just had mono, so i feel your pain! hopefully you will get better soon! :)

  5. Great ring!! Hope you feel better- tis the season for getting sick!

    Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog - I'm happy to be following you - hope you can follow me back love!


  6. Any news on what's causing you to be ill yet then? :) & get better soon :)

    Day By Diva
    Day By Diva
    Day By Diva

  7. I hope you are feeling better soon! Something is going around. I was sick on Christmas and New Years. :(

    My favorite tea is green tea btw. :p

  8. Aww thx so much.. :)

    I say go for whichever color with dark skin.. the more it pops, the better :D



Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois