
Monday, October 24, 2016


Lois Opoku oshun BEAUTY Event lisforlois Oshun Beauty event lisforlois A couple of week ago I attended the coolest beauty event I've ever been to! Not because it was specially done or anything - trust me in my 5 years of blogging I have been to a whole lotta events, and some have been the craziest things I've ever experienced - but it was because of the energy and the cause. It was special in a different sense.
Dedicated to celebrating the beauty of dark skin the team of OShun called all black girls to come out and celebrate with a special make up session. Yes this event was entirely dedicated to females of colour, but living and struggling in western society, sometimes we gotta do our own parties too!
Remember another woman's beauty is not the absence of your own.
Light skin girls, Dark Skin girls,
White girls, Black girls,

It was refreshing to have something,  especially in light of what is going on in America and what is happening to image of the "negro" (->read police brutality set against a cultural minority, Black Lives Matter, cultural appropriation and the spread of racism on- and offline). And they had makeup that came in all shades of beautiful! All the artists were and knew exactly how to flatter and bring out the best in us girls. There were snacks and drinks and music at blast to get the party going. Everyone was dancing wildly! African music is so exciting. The energy was beyond!
I have to admit for a minute there I thought I got lost at an African wedding (and so did most of you who follow me on Snapchat! Ps.: Add me: @LoisOpoku)
But those vibes and the energy that was going on, it was so lit!

The event took place at the Beni Durrer Make Up Academy. I'm a huge fan of Beni Durrer products, and I've got two more posts + a youtube video with his products coming up. (Did she just say YOUTUBE video? Yes it's happening! Go subscribe to me haha) But more on that laterz..
For now keep scrolling to see the magic of the OShun event and read an interview with Danielle, one of the faces behind OShun.
Lois Opoku oshun BEAUTY Event lisforlois Oshun beauty event lisforlois Oshun beauty event lisforlois Oshun beauty Lois Opoku lisforlois Oshun Beauty event lisforloisOshun Beauty event lisforlois OShun Beauty event lisforlois Oshun Beauty event lisforlois Oshun Beauty event lisforlois Oshun beauty event lisforlois OShun Beauty event lisforlois Oshun beauty event lisforlois Oshun Beauty event lisforlois Oshun beauty event lisforlois Oshun Beauty event lisforlois Oshun beauty event lisforlois Lois Opoku oshun BEAUTY Event lisforlois Oshun Beauty event lisforlois Oshun Beauty event lisforlois OShun Beauty event lisforlois Oshun Beauty event lisforlois Oshun Beauty event lisforlois Lois Opoku oshun BEAUTY Event lisforlois
Oshun beauty event lisforlois
L-R: 5 out of  7 of the Team OShun - Nana Tisha, Maame, Tirhas, Nalie & Danielle

Lois: What is OShun and who is it behind it?
Danielle: We are 7 women of colour who have launched this project. First and foremost, it is about creating a space - a safe haven if you like - for women of colour. A place in which we do not have to justify ourselves, in which we do not have to adjust ourselves, in which we can feel completely free in being ourselves. This is our primary goal.

Lois: What is the meaning behind the name OShun?
Danielle: The name O-Shun is inspired by the Yoruba Goddess Oshun. Just as Aphrodite is the Greek Goddess of love and inner as well as outer beauty; and as Venus is her Roman equivalent; Oshun is Aphrodite's and Venus' African equivalent. She is less a symbol, but more an inspiration to us for what we define as beauty. That extends to a universal definition - not just one defined by Western beauty standards. We want to put African beauty standards on the map as well. But it's not about competition. It's about us all embracing the beauty that already lies within us and realising that which lies in others. This is what we mean by #EmbraceTheOshunInYou - to see beauty in all things.

Lois: Looking into the future, what are your plans for Oshun?
Danielle: It is taking us to a place where we can offer for women of colour what they cannot receive through mainstream retail. GREAT things are coming soon. So stay tuned!

I'm excited what these girls got in store for us! Congratulations on your first event #girlbosses!

Love Lois xxx

1 comment:

  1. Klingt ja richitg interessant, bin auf jeden Fall auch gespannt drauf, was noch von Oshun kommt! Die Bilder sind auch superschön :)
    LG, Marlen


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois