
Tuesday, July 21, 2015


berlin fasihon week miley cyrus gif
via Mercedes Benz Fashion Week and Miley Cyrus by Terry Richardson, gif by me

Well, the fashion world is filled with superficial people. *Shocker* It's nothing new, and it comes with the territory. That is the business and it's been like that every fashion week. Yet somehow blogpost complaining and ranting and assessing and judging have been surfacing like fake Chanels in a Chinese factory - quicker than you can spell F.A.K.E and in multitude. *Sigh*.. Don't get me wrong, most of the posts are legit and have a very good point.
But honey, misery is not a good color for you, complaining doesn't suit you and judging makes you look fat.

"The front row is filled with Z-Listers and Berlin Fashion Week is a joke".. yeah yeah we've heard it all before. Please tell me something I don't know or I'd rather poke a fork in my eyes than listen to you complain one more time.
Then again it feels like complaining is the new black. And giving a shit about the designer's collections and hard work comes second - if not, it's even totally so last season.
Either you complain, or you complain about the complainers complaining - at the end of the day it's just one big fat cool pool of complaining. And ironically I'm caught in it as well.

Don't get me wrong, I too have my problems with fashion week. But I try not to let those fakers and haters, those few shallow small minded people get the best of me and myself trying to have fun. Every nice and sincere person I meet, makes up for 20 bullshit people I encounter. In fact the only thing I regret, and I said the same to my dearest Luise, is not being able - or rather not making it my priority to catch up with all my blogger friends that were in town; catch a drink or sit down for lunch.
Yes, I found fashion week rather boring this year, but overall I had fun. Although I cleared my schedule and only accepted invitations that really sparked an interest it still felt hectic and full. But yes, I had fun.
However, I did catch myself thinking "Dafuq am I doing here tbh..?" sometime midweek, not sure what my purpose or mission was at fashion week. Well, when I started it was all out of curiosity and sharing my experiences with you. Now it's about creating content for you guys to consume. Meeting new people and making contacts. The latter I can do at any other event, the first is where my problem lies.

I find it difficult to create great content for you guys at fashion week these days. I used to love the boys from Homme To Go fashion week posts on their personal blogs and especially Josie and Cailin's. They'd have such a lively and youthful adventurous approach to Fashion Week mixed with great runway pictures from what were then completely new angles (collections and looks shot from front row and seating as opposed to the common pictures from the media riser). Besides the fact that I feel like fashion week has become about letting everyone on social media know about all the amazing places you've been to prove your so fash, you were invited to X, X and X, I feel like you can see the same shit on every blog when it comes to fashion week.

No one really comments on the collection itself these days. Which is why I truly appreciate Kayture's show reports. While truth be told I may be there only to see what she was wearing, I get rich information about the latest runway collections with an honest opinion but also objective comments about cuts, details, fabrics and fashion. Initially my attitude towards fashion week posts was "I came here for the pictures!" and all I wanted to see was fashion week through his/her eyes. These days I'm really interested how Maja Wyh would cover her favorite show(s) and Jan, Dustin & Mauri have still stayed true to their style, but they don't do so much Berlin Fashion Week anymore. And Josie and Cailin are MIA.

Anyway, now that I've shared some of my thoughts and feelings; not quite sure what the point of it all was, because I don't really know what exactly my point is I'm trying to make.
Complaining about complainers? Adding my two cents I guess..

Let's get to my good old fashion week daily reports, shall we? The crazy lot events I attended + my #ootd of course. You can see more on Instagram #lisforloismbfwb and sometime this week I'll try to upload my Youtube video. As you may have noticed I've spent a lot of time at the new Youtube Creator Space Berlin and I was lucky enough to be part of Youtube's Fashion Week project #youtubelovesfashion. This year I tried hard to get some good video content as well. At least it'll be better than last years video I hope :D

Love Lois xxx


  1. Very true! One the one hand I can understand how they feel but on the other hand I agree 100% with what you say, because what does being frustrated or miserable about this change? Nothing really...So the focus should be on all the positive things the Fashion Week has.

  2. Ja mir ist auch aufgefallen, dass jeder immer schön am Beschweren ist :P Ich glaube, sie sind alle zu verwöhnt in irgendeiner Art und Weise. Hey, solange man einfach selber Spaß hat, ist doch alles gut ;) Und ich hatte auf den paar Events, auf denen ich war, mega viel Spaß!


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois