
Tuesday, August 05, 2014


Lois Opoku mittsommer nokia #lumiasummerglow lisforlois
About a month ago Nokia invited for a celebration of summer with a pop of color. I first thought about coming in a yellow summer dress to match the new Lumia 930, 630 & 635 with Windows Phone 8.1, which come in bright orange, green, yellow or black or white, and live up to summer brights but then decided for this white hippie touch dress I got from Esprit during their beautiful Mittsommar afternoon. Anyway Nokia chose the roof deck of the Nhow to introduce the new phone. It was a really nice chilled early evening with the lovely Nokia team.
Naturally I got to test the new Lumia 630, Lumia 635 or Lumia 930 and play around with the new functions. I practically took over one of the testphones and infiltrated it with a few too many (*cough* read= a lot!) selfies of myself. Can't waste moments of perfect selfie - sorry I mean lufie - light x finding your right angle for a change, right? RIGHT?! Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Scroll a bit up in your camera roll and I know you got at least one set of a minimum 30 same looking selfies, missy ;)
To be honest I didn't really discover all the functions this new phone brings with its launch. I was #busytakingselfies.. #DontMindMeWhileIgoTakeAnotherSelfie #GoodFaceDay oh and the classic #ShamelessSelfie #obsessedWithMyselfMuch..

Okay I'm done now xD If I should ever get hold of this phone again, I swear to test it and test it correctly. Atleast it's pretty fash and would look awesome in a see-through clutch.
On another note, I finally met Isabelle who I've been following on Instagram for quite some time and with a lot of pleasure. She's definitely such a sweetheart, just like in her Instagram pictures. She was in town thanks to Nokia and the Alexanderplatz Primark opening that happened earlier that morning.
"Nokia - connecting people" Well I give a big fat AMEN to that!
Besides all #Lufie (Lumia + Selfie= Lufie incase you haven't figured by now.. dumbass. I'm kidding I love you!), besides all the #lufie fun and old school shaking it like a polaroid sessions and my Obssesive-Selfie-Dissorder and the overuse of hashtags it really was a lovely day.
Summer on a rooftops.. yes please!
mittsommer nokia #lumiasummerglow lisforlois food photography mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois Lois Opoku mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois food photography mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois midi rings armparty lisforlois mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois Lois Opoku mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois Lois Opoku mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois midi rings armparty lisforlois Lois Opoku mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois food photography mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois Lois Opoku mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois Lois Opoku mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois Lois Opoku mittsommer nokia #lumiaglow lisforlois

Shoes I Schuhe: THANKS TO Buffalo
Earings I Ohrringe: Six & THANKS TO Primark
Rings I Ringe: THANKS TO Primark
gold Bangle I goldenes Armband: gifted I Geschenk
Bracelets (also worn as anklet) I Armbänder (Fußkette): THANKS TO Primark
Dress I Kleid: THANKS TO Esprit
Necklace Set I Ketten: THANKS TO Primark
Bag I Tasche: Stradivarius
Love Lois xxx

1 comment:

  1. Super pretty ! Absolutely loving this look on you :)


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois