
Sunday, June 15, 2014


Last weekend was the Karneval Der Kulturen in Berlin.
It was by far the hottest day of the year, way too hot to be spending it outside actually. But no one cared, because when it's Karneval der Kulturen in Berlin, there is no other place to be than at the march on Sunday. I wanted to start my day of looking at some of the wagons pass by Südstern with Tissi and Gina, then meet up with my friends but I bumped into my babe Mehtap and a few streets down Carina instead, saw Aminata from Germany's Next Topmodel and lost Nisi in the crowd of the YAM wagon, when it all went to fast. I only had my iPhone camera with me because it was either two bottles of iced water or my DSLR camera in my bag and surviving KDK seemed more important than HQ pictures. I gotta admit though that my iPhone diary has a more personal touch to it. Turns out it wasn't such a bad thing I wasn't out without my camera.

My friends and I spent 5 freaking hours to get to the wagon we wanted to march with deciding last minute we weren't going to march with the Ghana Wagon this year but with YAM instead. Don't ask, I have a set of very indecisive friends. Getting from A to B is ALWAYS a hard task, Mission Impossible 2.0 to be exact.
Little tip: If you happen to be in Berlin for KDK go march with the Ghana wagon. We Ghanaians welcome you with both arms and make feel comfortable to join in our dances. Trust me, you won't regret it. It'll be a experience you won't forget.

Oh and if you're looking for a long lost friend, go to Karneval der Kulturen - the people you'll meet, people so far from your past, you've forgotten you once knew each other - you'll meet them there, trust me. Bumped into so many people from my childhood, it was crazy to see how grown up we've all become.

It was a super hot day, but super fun. And the diversity of cultures present, ahhh! On that day it's like people forget we're all different for once. It's like we can see past that for a day. Berlin comes together and celebrates that exact thing. That being different, that cultural diversity is truly beautiful, but beyond that we're all the same.
We're all people, no humans, of this planet.

Love Lois xxx


  1. was für tolle bilder <3
    ich wünsche dir einen schönen wochenstart!
    Maren Anita

    FASHION-MEETS-ART by Maren Anita

  2. ~ Cool, sieht so aus, als hättet ihr übel viel Spaß. Versuche nächstes Jahr auch mal dieses Spektakel zu besuchen! ~

  3. Sieht nach einer menge spaß aus :D
    Hübsch siehst du aus :) ♡


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois