
Monday, February 24, 2014


Everything has a story and this in particular comes with a nice one. Unlike charities, The 7 Virtues means business. Barb Stegemann doesn't play the good Samaritan by giving charitable donations at the end of the day to a country like Afghanistan. The 7 Virtues targets the root of such a nations' problem. Barb Stegemann fuels business.
Her honest approach is quite inspirational.
She creates business beneficial for both ends focusing on using ingredients from rebuilding nations like Afghanistan, Haiti, The Middle East and soon Rwanda by forming local jobs as those for Afghan farmers of the orange blossom plantations while keeping them of illegal opium plantations who in return supply her with the afghanistan orange blossom, inevitable and vital for the creation of her parfum. And we as end consumers get high quality parfumes to shop.
This is how a single purchase of a parfum can keep someone of an illegal plantation and change a man's life on the other side of the globe. To be honest this is the first time I truly feel business can happen on an equal win-win basis without exploiting the other party.

But let me tell you about my lunch date with 7 Virtues. Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures (but I did sneak in some insta snaps!), because it felt a little rude to take out my huge as camera and snip snap away at the table. But I did look cute and I was all vamped up since we shot my Valentines Day Beauty Story just a few hours before. Events at Galerie Lafayette are always magical and this place holds some very special memories for me. The 7 Virtues invited us to a 4 course menu for lunch at the Galerie Lafayette in a very tiny circle including the president of the Lafayette and "" who personally walked us through her story behind The 7 Virtues all in celebration of their launch exclusively at Galerie Lafayette. Each meal was inspired by one of her four parfums. Let me walk you through the menu and inevitably through The Seven Virtues 4 new parfum scents.
Try not to water. Here we go!

Afghanistan Orange Blossom
"Soupe d'orange aromatisiert an Jasmintee"

Middle East Peace
"Carpaccio von der Jakobsmuschel und Doraden-Tartar mariniert an grüner Zitrone, Grapefruit und Basilikumöl"

Noble Rose of Afghanistan
"Lammkotelett rosé an der Rosenkonfitüre und rosa Pfeffer"

Vetiver of Haiti
"Crème brulée au thé à la bergamote mit braunem Karamellzucker und Limettenschalen"  
Instagram @LisforLOIS

Lunch was very delicious even if it came in smallest of macro sizes. Honestly, I had no clue what was on the menue, I just made sure it didn't read peanuts so I wouldn't die of allergies at the table and I knew I was good. It was a journey through my senses, matching taste buds with my olfactory organ. Oh and cool thing is you can even mix the different parfums according to your taste. Now I'm not sure if that would work with the food, but it sure gives a new essence to the parfums.
I got to take home my favorite scent, Afghanistan Blossom.

Love Lois xxx

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Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois