
Thursday, October 31, 2013


Michael Kors #watchhungerstop lisforlois

In the month of October Michael Kors dedicated its energy to helping the poor, depraved and hungry in partnership with the United Nations WFP (World Food Programme) by not only designing a watch specially dedicated to this purpose whose entire profit was donated to the WFP (one watch = one hundred meals) but also by raising awareness through the power of social media. October 16th marked the World Food Day and Michael Kors called upon fashion lovers and shoppers to stop by their Tokyo, Rio de Janeiro, Hong Kong and their two New York boutiques SoHo and Rockerfeller Center to slip into a T-Shirt and get their pictures snapped, displaying the images hashtagged #watchHungerStop on their billboards in NY Times Square.

Together with some friends I stopped by the Berlin Michael Kors Boutique at Rosenthaler Straße to get our pictures snapped, help create a buzz in our own social media channels and even ended up on NY's billboard trice.

As of today 2 140 300 meals have been delivered so far. You can read more about the campaign here and learn how to donate here.

Michael Kors #watchhungerstop lisforlois
Michael Kors #watchhungerstop lisforlois Michael Kors #watchhungerstop lisforlois Michael Kors #watchhungerstop lisforlois
Michael Kors #watchhungerstop lisforlois Michael Kors #watchhungerstop lisforlois

How gorgeous is that watch with world embossed on the number plate? Sharing is caring.

Love Lois xxx

1 comment:

  1. Die Uhr sieht erstens mega cool aus und zweitens ist das auch noch für einen guten Zweck! Gefällt!


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois