
Tuesday, August 06, 2013


When I came home with a box that read Crocs, my brother looked at me with a face pretty much saying "Oh heeeelll no! Heeeeeellllll naaaaaa! Uh uh. You ain't bringin some motherf*ckin Crocs into the house. Girl you mad??"
I don't blame him.

ph.: Dogi

Skirt I Rock: Tally Weijl
Sunglasses I Sonnenbrille: Dogi
Top: THANKS TO Motel Rocks
Necklace I Kette: H&M
Shoes I Schuhe: THANKS TO Crocs

What comes to your mind when you think Crocs? Exactly, ugly ass (yet very very very comfortable shoes. I have to admit I've lived an entire weekend in Crocs. But hidden behind closed curtains! I'm telling you this in secrecy!) house shoes. If you are a Crocs lover please don't take offense. This is my honest opinion.
I'm a "Comfort over Style any day" person. However this rule does not apply to Crocs. (I'm referring solely to the ugly ass house shoes!)

So when I saw the new Crocs models at Press Days I was surprised how little they resembled the original Croc and how much they looked like normal (read: not an eye sour to humanity) shoes. Just as we shouldn't judge a book by it's cover, I think we shouldn't judge a brand by it's it piece. At least that's what I learned. Crocs is reinventing itself, they actually have some really gorgeous red wegdes, and the best part is they're keeping their comfort sole.

You can't imagine how comfortable these shoes are, believe me.

Ps: I'd still never let anyone catch me in house shoe crocs.

Love Lois xxx


  1. Als ich den Titel gelesen habe, dachte ich mir noch "Nicht ihr ernst!". Aber du hast mich positiv überrascht. Ich hätte nie gedacht, dass es von Crocs "normale" Schuhe gibt. :D Du hast mich eines besseren belehrt haha.

    Liebe Grüße

  2. Boa das Outfit steht dir gut, toll kombiniert :)
    Wüsste gar nicht das Crocs auch solche Schuhe hat :D

  3. Great post! I definitely agree that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. I've tried on Crocs ones at my cousins house. They are super comfortable! And it's true that Crocs are on their way to reinvent themselves, which is what every brand should do. But I hope they don't lose their own iconic design in that process. We already have so many brands doing the same, it would be a shame to lose a brand who has the guts to be different (and comfy)!

  4. ok, als ich den Titel gesehen habe, dachte ich natürlich an die hässlichen Crocs :D Mein Freund hat sich welche gekauft, nur um mich zu nerven :D

  5. Die Dinger schauen echt schick aus! Erstaunlich :)

    LG aus der EDELFABRIK

  6. haha, ich liebe es wie du schreibst :')!! Toller Post & Look!

  7. Thank you for the great comment! Lovely outfit <33 Those shoes are perfect and we love your blog!! Did you want to follow eachother? If so,just let us know :)xx

  8. ich finde die schuhe, die du da an hast, sehen sehr schön aus und gar nicht nach den typischen crocs!
    ich hätte übrigens nicht auf crocs getippt, also dasd die schuhe von der marke sind, sondern eher tommy hilfiger oder so :)

    und auch das outfit gefällt mir sehr, sehr gut :)

    svetlana von Lavender Star


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois