
Thursday, July 18, 2013


After fighting my way through the crowd of screaming, crying and overexcited Selenators, which by the way felt like Mission Impossible: Selenator Edition at the time, with Nisi and Annie, going through security check and having to hand over my camera, it was #SelenaNEOLaunch time and I was ready for Selena Gomez, her collection and her personal thoughts about the collaboration.
Press was present during the Media Morning such as Teen Vogue and journalists from Latin America and even a few invited bloggers that came all the way from Asia to Berlin just for Selena's Launch. It started with a walk through the collection, before we were joined by lucky fans for the Q&A and Meet&Greet session.

After being NEO's face Selena has moved on to being guest designer for Adidas NEO.
I think the collection is very NEO. Quite perfect for Adidas NEO's younger audience. I can see lots of girls wearing Selena's pieces and making it their own. I'm sure it's going to be a success and she couldn't have been a more perfect match for Adidas Neo.

A few pieces were showcased as a sort of appetizer for the entire collection during my last trip to Hamburg with the Adidas Group at their showroom Preview. So seeing the entire collection and having Selena share her thoughts and personally walk us through the key looks was surely very insightful.
I 've got my eyes firmly set on the jumper with the cut out details, the exact one that Selena was wearing during the launch. Can't wait for October, which is when the fall collection will hit the stores. My fav piece must be the jumper. Other than the jumper (Sorry! Can't stop going on about the jumper..But who can blame me? It's a pretty cool jumper) my favourite pieces have to be the white sneakers, the cute black mini skirt, the Selena wedge sneakers and the burnt orange top with the heart shaped fransen detail (perfect for festival season!). It's definitely a very fun, quirky, young (obviously my fav words to describe NEO) collection. As I said, very NEO...

As for Selena? She is totally adorable, very down to earth and true. I can understand why millions of girls out there see her as a role model. She took time to answer fans' questions sent in via Twitter and some from the audience, posed for pictures and hugged each and everyone of them.
Her biggest style inspiration? Her stylist and her close friends. What she thought when you first saw her  newborn little sister Gracie? Perfection.
Our "fan" foto has a little story to it. We actually asked her to take a fun photo. Apparently she liked our shot as well, because she tweeted it. Now our faces are all over Twitter and Instagram. Haha!

I had a really good time and it's always nice to see the NEO family, especially the familiar faces who made my stay in L.A. as unique as it was. Waaaaah can't wait to finally upload the L.A. posts! :D

Right now, I can't sleep. But I should get off the keyboard... I'll leave you with a short vid from the opening, just to give you a little more insight. You can check out Selena's collection here.

ph.: Adidas NEO

Shorts: H&M
Bag I Tasche: Lloret Shopping
Sunglasses I Sonnenbrille: Lloret Shopping
T-Shirt: THANKS TO Review
Necklace I Kette: THANKS TO Review
Shoes I Schuhe: THANKS TO Adidas NEO

Good night! Sleep tight! x

Love Lois xxx


  1. Oh das Bild mit dir und Selena ist ja super, weil sie so rumblödelt! :))

  2. Gott, bin so neidisch! Ich hätte sooo gerne ein Bild mit ihr! Sie ist einfach abnormal schön und so natürlich! I like!
    Vielen lieben Dank übrigens für deinen Kommentar, hat mich total gefreut! :)
    Ich hab ein paar neue Posts erstellt, würde mich freuen, wenn du mal wieder bei mir vorbeischauen würdest und mir deine Meinung dazu hinterlassen würdest!
    xx, Coco

  3. so amazing and beautiful..!!
    wonder post


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois