
Tuesday, June 04, 2013


Hey Guys!

I'm back from my trip to Lloret and it was pretty fun. I came home to a few new presents (will show you asap!), some really exciting news (more on that later) and a week filled with events. There is so much going on in Berlin end of this week and I can't wait for it all to begin. A quick glance at my timer, here's what's going on this week in B-Town.

Pull&Bear Opening

I've waited for this day, the day I need not browse online but can actually enter the store. I've been anticipating it so much that I did not enter a Pull & Bear store while in Spain last week to save this moment for Berlin. It's finally here this week and there will be a special treat for you guys on the day of the opening. You'll get 20% off all day.
Time & place: 07.06.2013, 10Uhr. Tauentzienstraße 13.

Nelly High Heels Tour

The Nelly High Heels Tour is about to commence, which means nothing else than Shoes! Shoes! Shoes! It's officially girls night at Asphalt.
I missed the tour last time, so I'm all the more excited to go this week. Free pair of shoes for the first 100 girls? Yes please! Location: Asphalt. My favourite club! Meet me there. I'd love to get to know you guys. Oh and there are more prizes and goodies waiting ...

Time & place: 07.06.2013 Berlin, 21Uhr. Asphalt.
It's a date!

Forever 21 Opening

And last but not least, Forever21 is finally opening up its doors and I'm pretty excited about it. The City of Angels is spreading some love to Berlin and on top of that the first 300 visitors will receive a goodie bag and a gift voucher to spend at Forever21!

Time & place: 08.06.2013, 10Uhr. Tauentzienstraße 13.

Love Lois xxx


  1. Oh von der Nellytour wusste ich gar nichts... leider muss ich am Sonntag arbeiten! :( Zu F21 will ich aber auf jeden Fall, vielleicht sieht man sich ja :D

    1. Die Tour ist aber Freitag :D Vielleicht kannst du ja trotzdem kurz vorbei schauen :)
      Love Lois xxx

    2. Ohh du hast recht da hab ich mich glatt im Datum vertan! Freitag hab ich frei! :D Kann man da einfach so vorbeischauen oder muss man irgendwie auf ne Gaesteliste oder so? Da haett ich ja echt Lust drauf :)

    3. Hi Sam :D
      Nein brauchst du nicht. Komm am besten ganz früh, damit du unter die ersten 100 bist :)
      Bis Freitag :)
      Love Lois xxx

  2. Thank you for your comment sweetie and your help!! Love the very first picture with the whites.


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois