
Thursday, June 20, 2013


I'm back in Berlin after a very amazing L.A. trip.
My Abifahrt to Lloret was pretty fun, although the weather was a little unpredictable. I uploaded a few pictures from my trip on Instagram.
I actually thought Lloret was useless for shopping. In the end I left 100€ in that city and returned with clothes of that value. My new favourite bag is from a tiny boutique from there. At a cute store called Shana I bought a maxi onepiece, a summer scarf and the cute little mini skirt. The bikinis were each 5€ at a store on the main shopping road. The mirrored sunglasses are from a NoName tourist shop of which they have about hundred on just a single road.
The little duffle bag was picked up at Stradivarius during my Barcelona day trip with a group of my friends. Unfortunately we had two guys among us whose's impatience left us with literally 5 minutes of shopping, so I only stopped by Stradivarius for a very very quick visit.

Love Lois xxx


  1. I love these bikinis!!
    kisses from milan

  2. Die Tasche und die Sonnenbrille sind toll! :D

  3. Besonders die Tasche ist der Hammer, aber die Shorts gefallen mir auch sehr gut! War bestimmt eine tolle Zeit in Lloret de Mar.

    Auf meinem Blog gibt es ein Giveaway, gewinnen kann man eine wunderschöne Tasche. Würde mich freuen, wenn du mitmachst!


  4. Love the red bag, it is amazing! Do you have a link of the store where you bought it?

    1. Hi there!
      Unfortunately I don't even remember the name of the boutique. It was a very small one owned by an old German lady, who moved to Lloret years ago.
      Sorry I can't help :(

      Love Lois xxx


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois