
Friday, May 24, 2013


It's passed 2am but yesterday's not done for me yet. I woke up this morning and arrived at the Make Up School Chico Cihan 9 o'clock sharp. I played model for Verena whose task was to come up with a make up look for black girls. You won't believe how amazing my look turned out. And Verena was really quick as well. I had fun getting my make up done professionally. Honestly it kind of feels like a massage.. in the face. xD
I just came back from MCD Cosmetic's Spring Girls Beauty Night Out. It was my first time entering the store and I quickly fell in love with all the beauty products there. So much high quality products! But I'll talk to you about that later. Anyway I'm so ready to cuddle into cushions and call it a day. Haven't been out so early since my last school day.. Tomorrow is an exciting day! I'm shooting an exciting project you'll get to see very soon and I have a meeting. I'm talking business business!
Anyway speak to you soon..

Btw if you're wondering what I'm wearing: jacket, t-shirt, necklace is H&M, the shorts are from Urban Outfitters and my shoes are Air Max 1 thanks to Nike. Follow me on instagram @LisforLOIS

Good Night! <3

Love Lois xxx


  1. Schöne Bilder:)
    Ich geh jetzt einfach mal davon aus dass du deutsch sprichst;)
    Hättest du lust einander zu folgen bei GFC?


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois