
Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Yeah yeah I know it's still very early to be looking at bikinis or swimwear in general but I have been on the look out for them for a while now because I wanna pack a suitcase with cute bikinis for my Abifahrt (which is like a final class trip after the A levels have been completed except the whole year is going instead of a single class) and partly because looking good in a bikini has been my driving motivation for attending gym. Bikini browsing = finding cute bikinis = all the more reason to hit the gym.

To be honest Esprit hasn't been on my mind ever since the invitation to the store opening at Friedrichstraße that I unfortunately couldn't attend because I was out of town. And since then I never found time to visit the store. But being on the look out for good swimwear I like looking at different places. After a little incentive I directed my attention to Esprit. I must say I'm a little surprised I don't shop at Esprit more often, you know, at least for a few key pieces. I'm loving the entire swimwear collection by Esprit. Esprit's swim & beach 2013 collection has great pieces.
Although I'm personally not a big fan of swimsuits one of my favourite pieces from this collection is the black and white swimsuit. It looks so elegant. But I'm also loving the sixities inspired high waisted bikini set. I think the collection is mix of elegant and fun because of the polka dots, mixed with few print and floral pieces.

My top 3 pieces have to be:

pictures via  Esprit

I think I'm going to buy the white bikini with the pink wave print on it...kinda in love

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Love Lois xxx


  1. I love all! Very glamourous :D

  2. wow, die bikinies und badeanzüge isnd echt toll!
    ich kenn dein gefühl, langsam viel zu spät trägt man sich dann für 2-3 male ins fitnesstudio, quält sich dort paar stunden ab und heilt die "mentalen" wudnen und den msukelkater dann tagelang mit eiscreme im bett und vor dem fernsehen :)

    ich sehe unter dem post rechts, dass dies eine gsponserter Eintrag ist, darf ich fragen wie es zu so einer Partnerschaft gekommen ist?
    mit was wurdest du gesponsert? einem Kleidungsstück aus der collection die d vorstellst oder rabatt im shop?
    würde mich mal interessieren :)

    alles Liebe, Amely Rose von:

    1. Hi Amely Rose,

      Ich wurde angefragt und dafür bezahlt meine eigene Meinung zu Esprit zu verfassen. Das Thema durfte ich frei wählen und da mir die Swim & Beach Kollektion von Anfang an so gut gefallen hat, ich sowieso momentan nur online Bikini Shopping bin und es endlich bald Sommer ist, fand ich das ganz passend. :D

      Love Lois xxx

  3. Wer's tragen kann super :) Ich werd immer ein klein bisschen neidisch bei solchen Bildern :)

    LG aus der EDELFABRIK

  4. Hi Lois, Esprit collection of swimwear is not bad as I look over on their site. I also love the white bikini with the pink wave print on it. When it comes to swimwear, I look forward from the prestigious Jolidon’s Designer Swimwear Collection, which delight every women’s eye with trendy one-piece swimsuits, bikinis and monokinis, complemented by beautiful beach dresses and exquisite resort wear. And I am sure that you will also be delighted with their collection. :)

    1. Hi Anna,
      I checked it out and oh i love the monokinis! So many gorgeous ones! :O
      Thanks for sharing!

      Love Lois xxx


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois