
Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Hey Guys,

Got two great news for you. First of all I'm done with school, which means I can return to blogging like pro! Secondly - omg the Berlin Bloggers Easter Special finally launched!!

Which means to you for two weeks straight there is going to be daily giveaways on our Blogs.
Angie had the honor to open up our special. And today you can win 3 amazing necklaces from Stella&Dot on Anh's blog. All you have to do is find the hidden egg on her blog and fill out the giveaway formular so she can contact you.

I'm really lucky to take part in this project and you guys are extremely blessed because there are 2 weeks filled with amazing gifts waiting ahead of you. My turn is soon, so stay excited. But for now go hopping from Blog to Blog in search for the hidden easter eggs and discover great gifts.

Above is an overview of all the girls participating and of course the dates. Hover over the image and click their profile pictures to visit their Blogs!

Love Lois xxx

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Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois