
Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Bonnie Strange and me at her show in summer

It's probably gonna be the most exciting week for me. I feel like I'm a superagent leading a double life or something. You know: Student by day - Fashionista by night.

I'm kidding.

...Okay that's exactly how I feel. xD

I decided that this season I will only be visiting fashion week part time and the other time I will be a student extra ordinnaire and visit all my classes like a good student is supposed. Not gonna give you the whole school is important talk, but you know, it's important :) And it's my final year. So it's a pretty big deal.

My schedule is crazy this year! So many off site events and parties. So much to coordinate. Unfortunately I won't be going to everything, I've selected a few things I want to see and check out, yet I still feels like a lot. Especially with school in the morning.
I'm looking forward to the G-Star Raw show, Dimitri and Dawid Tomaszweski.

I went shopping today and bought a few pieces I'm gonna wear during fashion week.
It's not like a don't have shitload amounts of clothes. (Actually I don't. But it's not like a have to run around naked..) Suddenly everything seems inadequate and the only thing satisfying my unrest is the thought of new pieces. Thank God it's sale season, otherwise this would have turned out a little costly.

Guess what? I've already been to a pre fashion week fashion show last night! Fashion week has begun!!

Now I'm getting ready for fashion week - last minute preparations, off to classes and then to the official tent for the first time this season! Here we go...
Keep you posted! xxxo

Laterzzz! <3

Love Lois xxx


  1. Dein Outfit ist super!
    Ich freu mich schon auf deine Posts über die fashion week :))
    LG <3

  2. so lucky you are! ;)

    Enjoy my giveaway:

  3. Mit Bonnie hätte ich auch gern gegammelt, die ist großartig! Viel Spaß mit den ganzen anderen gut gekleideten Menschen :)

  4. awww I love the photo of you and Bonnie! she's lovely, I will check out her new shit shop this saturday :)
    have fun at mbfw, girl!

  5. Liebe Lois, Du sagst es: OMG - Bonnie Strange - I love her!!! Liebe Grüße, Anna

  6. Ohhhh...NEON.... wie coolski!

    Auf Trendlovski verlosen wir übrigens gerade nen "THE SHIT" Pullover von Bonnie Strange. Vielleicht auch was für Dich? ;-)


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois