
Sunday, December 02, 2012


It was truly a lovely event. Dinner with many faces of the bloggersphere that I already call my friends and the Myparfum team with delicious food was great.
I had my very first frozen youghurt that night. First froyo? I know right?! Go ahead and laugh, I know what I have been missing out. (Thank god for the wonderpots voucher I found in my goodie bag! I intend of visiting many more times for froyo!)

I designed a parfum with the help of an expert (this time I did not mix ingredients in at random because I liked the sound of the name xD Remember my first parfum? But I have to admit, it did turn out pretty well for my very mixing method.) Later I got to get a little creative and choose and pimp my bottle for my personal scent.

I created a sweet scent, something I think that fits me perfectly. I've always enjoyed fruity sweetish scents. Nothing is better than the smell of a freshly cut open Mango or raspberries. But this time I was aiming for something less fruity, yet still sweet and me. Which is why I wanted to create a scent going in that direction.

ph.: Dogi

And I need you to vote for me and my parfum :) If I win, you'll be able to get you're very own bottle I so perfectly mixed together. I'm kidding :) You'll be able to smell just like me! :D
The voting ends on 14.12.2012. And you can vote for me here.

Let's geeett it ooon!
Folower power!

Ps.: Hope you're enjoying your first christmas weekend. It's my friends bday today and we're going for Wonderwaffles. :D

Love Lois xxx


  1. Sehr tolle BIlder, habe auch schon für dich gevotet :)

    Ich habe gerade einen Adventskalender auf meinem Blog, in dem ich jeden Tag etwas verlose. Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn du vorbeischaust und evtl auch mitmachst :)

    Liebe Grüße, Judith

  2. ah wie cool wie gerne würde ich einen eigenen duft erfinden! hat dir eigentlich schon jemand gesagt das du ein wundervolles lächeln hast ?:)

    ich vote auch mal für dich ;)

    my blog

  3. Amazing post! Really nice event and pictures!
    Love your outfit :)

    Bisous Christina

  4. Allerliebsten Dank! Für dein Kommentar :)
    Das Outift ist dir gelungen, ich liebe es!

  5. wirklich toller blog!lg

  6. ich finde dein outfit sehr schön :) :*

  7. Du hast ein mega schönes Lächeln und dein Outfit gefällt mir richtig gut*-*!!!
    Und dein Blog Titel erinnert mich voll an Superman, ich find ihn cool
    (...den Blog :D)!!!)
    LG <3

    1. Oh super süß von dir! :) Ja ich heiße auch wie Lois Lane Superman's Freundin :D
      Love Lois xxx


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois