
Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Happy Halloween guys!

Hope you are having a fun time dressing up (or dressing down as some of the girls do..?!?! yeah yeah "halloween is just an excuse for girls to get slutty" might be more than true for some chicks). I've seen so many fantastic and scary ass looks this week and my Facebook timeline has been blasting up with inspiration the last couple of hours.
My door bell has been ringing none stop with kids asking for sweets or threatening to throw eggs at our  front door. My family is never prepared for Halloween. The sweets we give out are probably at least a century old.. And honestly the kids that come ring our door bell have become less over the years. Wonder why?? Haha!

I celebrated Halloween on the weekend (most Halloween themed parties took place on the weekend) and I've got only iPhone snaps to show you. I had an amazing time with Nadine. It's been ages since I met up with her! So it was time to finally see each other again. And I'm happy we did. :)

But here's what was my inspiration for Halloween. I fell in love with Pixie Lott's look and knew immediately I was gonna go as a tiger! Raaawwwrrrr ;)

Ps.: Might get dressed up again just for you guys and re-snap my final Halloween look. Then I can give you details about my look and make up. But you'll have to wait to the weekend. I'm a little busy with school.. :(

Love Lois xxx

1 comment:

  1. Soooooo cute, I bet you had great time!;)
    thank you for your comment!!!


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois