
Monday, August 20, 2012


The girls from tea&twigs came up with this really great idea and asked us bloggers to dig deep in our blog archives to find our very first outfit posts and reblog them. So here we go with retro blogging!

January 24, 2011 - THE First Outfit Post

I'm wearing a black and white outfit, black shorts, black jacket -something I like to call short suit - with a white shirt tucked in and my mom's camel colored coat. My mom's coat I love a lot, still today.
Honestly I wouldn't wear it differently today. I'm still into short suits and I still love my mom's coat.

I remember being really pleased to finally share my first outfit post with you guys. The pictures were taken at my very first fashion event too, where I met my very first blogger friends. It was at the LesMads book release that took place at the Quartier 24. In fact my first time there too.
So many first times...

But when I look a little earlier in my archive I find this..

Now I didn't qualify this as an outfit post back then, but I'm showing you an outfit right? I mean I even named that post "what I wore to ..".
For some reason I didn't seem to care that I was taking my pictures inside American Apparels changing room, nor did it seem to bother me that my friend was all over the pics.
I think I've grown a lot since my first outfit post, so much has happened. No more "stand infront of the mirror pics", I put much more work into getting "great" outfit pictures.
But one thing hasn't changed since day 1. I still have as much fun doing my posts as I had on my very first post and I think that's never going to change, because as long as it doesn't I'll be going strong. :)

It's fun to see that nobody starts like a boss, we all come a long way to where we are.  Hard even or maybe difficult, perhaps? No one is born perfect. Check out the other girls here.

Heading to bed. I feel like a walking zooommmbbbiiieee (picture this in slow motion talk)..

Love Lois xxx


  1. ich erinnere mich an den tag <3

  2. danke für dein kommentar :)
    wundervolles outfit. finde die ganze "retro blogging" idee super!!
    liebe grüße,

  3. Your mom´s coat looks amazing!

  4. I absolutely love the camel coat. It looks great on you!

    xo Kate
    Fashaholics Anonymous

  5. Danke für deine aufmunternden Worte ♥
    Es geht mir schon viel besser, die Beziehung hat wohl nicht sein sollen ;)

    Ich finde, dass du einen wundervollen Modegeschmack hast! Deine Outfits sind immer perfekt :) Und ich mag den Rock sehr, auch, wenn er im Spiegel aufgenommen worden ist ;D hahaaaa ^^

  6. Danke für deinen Kommentar - ich vergötter' ja deine Jacke und deine Tasche :D

  7. Love the polka dot skirt =) So cutee!

  8. very cute blog (:


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois