
Monday, August 06, 2012


It doesn't really sink in that summer is over until you hear your alarm going off at full blast 6.30 in the morning for the first time - after what? - 6 weeks. Especially when summer hasn't been, like an event or experience you can come to terms with that indeed it's over and leaves you with mere memories - sweet memories, but has been the simple art of faulenzen and chilaxen all day, everyday, waking up when you feel like it or not. This summer has been so different to all. I didn't travel. But I did have some occasional 3 to 4 day trips to random cities in Germany which came and went.
Nonetheless I enjoyed the time, especially the trip with my friends. But what bugs me is this was my last summer as in summer holidays. When I finish school this term, there will be no going back to school and therefore no summer holidays in that sense. I always thought that my last holidays would be something like "an unforgettable summer"; holidays á la "the summer of your lives".
This holidays kind of shattered that illusion for me. I should have seen it coming though, I mean I didn't have anything planed for the hols. But I'm ready for school. Ready to take this hell hole one last term and come out a young woman ready to take the world.
I think...

As of the first day? It was a total waste of time, AS F*CKING USUAL. Yeehaa let's go Schiller. Gosh I really don't like my school. It's such a school-enthusiasm killer.. 
First day of school is only good for seeing all the faces I missed during summer again :)

Love Lois xxx


  1. GOOD LUCK!! Sucks that the holiday is already over for you.. :(

    love, Lise

  2. stimmt die schule fängt ja wider an, gosh i feel for ya ( im lucky nxt semester starts in late september)

  3. Haha once the first day's over, it goes downhill from there, huh? Lol I only like it because you get to see everyone again too.

    Enter to win a dress from Alainn Bella!
    Trendy Teal

  4. Cute shirt! Thanks for the lovely comments on my blog love!

    Nico and Bri

  5. Beautiful smile Lois! even after the first day of school!

    Have a pretty week,
    see you!

  6. Ich liebe deine Haare, du bist so schön!

  7. Wonderful post dear!

    You are always welcome to check my blog and follow it if you like :)

    Right now is running in my blog Giveaway II. Check it out!


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois