
Tuesday, July 03, 2012


So some of you are probably wondering what I was doing on a one day trip again, but this time to Hamburg. Well here's the answer. I was invited by Brigitte Magazine along with 9 other Bloggers for a feature and photo shoot. I've had the luck to be featured in print magazines 3 times before thanks so my fashion week looks, but that was never a feature. So you can imagine my excitement when I hopped onto the train yesterday morning.

The shoot took place in somebody's apartment in central Hamburg. The location was magic. I can't believe somebody actually lives there!! The Brigitte Team was super nice and made my feel very comfortable. I had lots of fun with Maria (the photographer), Veronika (the editor), the rest of the team and Esther (another blogger) my partner :)
I loved my make up Mart did for me (I LOVE MY NEW EYEBROWS!!) and getting dressed.
I can't wait for the results and final outcome. Oh I can't wait to hold the magazine in my hands :DD It's and online feature :D

Love Lois xxx


  1. Die Frisur mit den beiden Fischgrätzöpfen steht dir so ausgezeichnet!

  2. Boooh! Du scheinst ja gut nach Hause gekommen zu sein. Vielen Dank für das erneute Kompliment an meine Leggins und der Tag mit dir war toll!^^


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois