
Monday, April 09, 2012


Right now I'm blogging from England. A few days back I was in Northampton visiting my cousin with my brother and mother and right now I am in Leicester to visit my uncle.

I watched The Hunger Games and I loved it!
Though I don't really understand the comparisons with Twilight. Children slaughtering each other and a girl falling in love with a Vampire does not exactly strike me as similar. Or is it just the crazy ass fans, the hype and hysteria that are being compared? I know for a fact that Twilight fans are mental, I haven't checked out The Hunger Games fan base, so I can't really comment on that. Either way if you get time to check out the movie, you should. :)

Anyway, more ground breaking news is that I FINALLY watched Easy A starring Emma Stone. ADORE. I love the fact that Olive (who on earth calls their daughter Olive??! Haha!) is just an everyday girl making fun of high school's primitive mentality but finding herself being caught in the middle of lies with good intentions.
Btw how hot fit, as British would say, does Lonely Boy aka Penn Badgley look in that movie??

Which reminds me I caught the latest episode of GossipGirl today. All I can say is that if there was underwear with Team Ivy or Team Van Der Woodsen/Upper East Side Bitches I'd be wearing Team Ivy right now. I'm developing a great dislike for the Upper East Side's behaviour, so you can't exactly blame me for bursting out laughing when Da Realz Gossip Girl dissed Serena. buuurrrn!

Most disappointing thing today was opening my suitcase, ready to jump into my Onepiece and get all snuggly, but having to realize I left it at home. I LEFT IT AT HOME!!!!! Bummer! England of all countries should be the home of Onepiece wearers. No weather calls more for snuggly cozy lazy days in bed in a Onepiece than here. I think I'll never be able to live in England permanently, because as a matter of fact I'd spend nearly everyday inside feeling too unmotivated to leave the house due to weather. I checked the forecast, no surprises.
Whats a snuggly day without a Onepiece? Exactly! Not snuggly at all.

Mid Season Sale!! Keeping my fingers crossed mid season sale has hit England too. On my shopping list: Topshop and Primark. The classics I guess.

I'm dying to catch Project X with my friends in cinema. I hope it'll be out by the time I'm back. I sense it's going to be the most epic movie of all times - all times!! (credits to Kanye here) after Hangover. (Or maybe even before Hangover? ;) ) Check out the trailer and you'll know why! :)

Berlin got it's first Hollister store! So sad I had to miss the event, one of many this week. I found out that there are several people I know working there. The world is so small!

dress: c/o Motel Rocks      necklace: H&M

Okay I'll leave you with that! Gotta go!
See you soon!
Until then enjoy your easter holidays.
Oh and Happy Easter of course!
Much Love!

Love Lois xxx

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  1. Ooh your in my town, try and enjoy, pretty boring here lol...x

  2. oh i really miss london and the shopping there:) hope you have a good time xx


  3. LOVE England <3<3 and I really miss Primark! :(

  4. I'm so jealous you got to shop and TopShop! and I'm loving that phone case with the British flag :)

    -Samantha Mariko

  5. Great that you loved the Hunger Games as well. Have a good time in the UK.

  6. ich wär jetzt auch gerne in england:( xx

  7. :D AHHHHHHH und ich liebe dich jetzt hahah
    voll viele fragen mich was prison break is
    OH GOTT LEUTCHEN :D wie kann man das NICHT kennen&lieben xD
    bin gerade bei staffel 2
    mein bruder hat mich auch erst seit kurzem drauf gebracht
    und ich bin nach jeder folge neu schockiert und begeistert xD
    und vampire diaries ist auch einfach göttlich
    paul wesley rawr<3

  8. ich bin jetzt gerade bei mitte staffel 2 bei PB :)
    oh ja vampire diaries :D
    hab die ersten beiden staffeln sogar schon auf DVD (so wie bei prison break auch^^) und joah :D die dritte verfolge ich im internet auf english
    wie spannend sowas werden kann ne :D
    dabei sind es so unterschiedliche xD
    bei vampire diaries lass ich eher mein mädchen herz höher schlagen mit den sexy typen und bei PB wird richtig mitgefiebert und mitgedaacht (obwohl Michael und Sarah auch so süß sind :D!)

  9. aww ja danke :))
    England *-*

  10. Waww... Nice post !
    I follow U, please follow me back

  11. Your blog is amazing, and I love your photos.
    I might be able to go to England next year for a holiday and by seeing your photos I am really looking forward to it :)

    Well, you got a new follower now :D
    Love from Australia,

  12. So jealous your in London! =) hope you enjoy despite the weather ! xo


  13. Have to see Easy A.I love Emma Stone! Hope you are having fun with family! Hope you are having a wonderful day!
    Style-Delights Blog
    Let's Twitter Together
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  14. Aww you're bloging from England !? Amazing :) I want to go there for holidays. Btw- great the last pic ! Nice dress and necklace ! Kiss x

  15. Beautiful sweetie! would you like to follow each other?:X

  16. This is also lovely post! very nice pictures!

  17. Lovely post!
    I'm going to watch Easy A tonight!
    I'm your new follower now!


    1. It's a great movie! How did you like it? :)
      Love Lois xxx

  18. Thanks for your comment! I love Gossip Girl!

  19. Tolle Bilder!:)
    Ich liebe deinen Blog und folge dir von nun an!:)

    1. Aww danke! :D Freut mich sehr. Vielen lieben Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar :)
      Love Lois xxx

  20. Danke für dein cmnt' :) ich mag den auch total von anny!:-)
    und ich will umbediiiingt in den film 'the hunger games' :-)

  21. Cool post! And I love topshop and primark too!!


  22. wow, du bist hübsch :-)

  23. Ganz schlimm mit den Waffeln ne :D
    Schöne Bilder :) Ich hab jetzt Bock zu shoppen ;)

    LG Mara

  24. OMG Easy A is one of my ultimate favourite movies! :D


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois