
Sunday, December 18, 2011


100 Contemporary Fashion Designers - or "the bible of fashion." as Elle, Madrid calls it.

On Monday I was shopping at the H&M Trend shop at Friedrichstraße, actually thinking about returning a jacket I had purchased earlier, because I still wasn't quite sure if it was worth its price and the 28 day returning policy was due exactly that day. For some reason I decided to enter the second H&M store on my way to the train station. Browsed through it bored (nothing I haven't seen before) when I stopped at the Versace section and saw this book had been reduced to 5€!
Just my Luck :)

It had to come with me. For that price and the content it offered? It's the best 5€ I've spent so far. The book is a pleasure filled with lots of beautiful images, interesting interviews and all sorts of great designers like Karl Lagerfeld, Alexander Wang, Raf Simons from A-Z.

Fashion has never been about the Designer for me. (Not saying I don't appreciate them, hell I do!) It's always been about the piece itself, I let it speak to me not caring what label it carries.
Yet I do seem to like many pieces by Alexander Wang, I guess I have preferences, though I feel it's nothing like "my" style. His pieces remind me of the woman I want to become.
Either way I still judge pieces with my like it? love it? want it? hate it? - system, regardless of who the designer is.
And girls with the mentality "Ohhh myyy gaaaawwwdd it's *insert any designer*!!! I HAVE to have it" will always stay a mystery to me because if it's ugly, it is ugly and the little care label inside will not compensate for it's ugliness.

This book has changed my understanding of Designers and Fashion though. I appreciate the designers as artist even more. And I've learned new ones too. Reading about them does in inevitably change your views.
When I got to the Raf Simons section, it reminded me of an invitation I got during Fashion Week in summer. I instantly regretted not attending after seeing the video Chiara of The Blonde Salad posted of the event sometime afterward, because it looked like one hell of a good time. Today I want to stab a knife in my chest for even considering the option of not attending the Raf Simons Transmissions show and party and in the end having the nerve not to show up. He is big.

I'm pretty happy to own the book and enjoy browsing through it over and over again.

The Versace for H&M collection is reduced as of Monday. Shoes cost 30 or 40€ and the dresses are marked down to 50€. Hello?! *BARGAINIUS!*
Thank God for sales and the amazing markdowns H&M offers us every now and then.
There is another piece I bought from the Versace for H&M collection. So stay tuned! ;)

Last time I was at H&M was to check out the H&M The Girl with the Tattoo Dragon Preview. I'm sure you've heard of it (or read about it on my blog!). Not exactly my cup of tea, but who thought I'd end up owning a piece of Versace for H&M in the long run? Life can be surprising ;)

FYI: H&M Trend is SERIOUSLY marked down too atm. *kerrrcchiiiinnnnggg*

Ps.: I kept the jacket. So expect it to make an appearance on the blog soon :)

Love Lois xxx

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  1. I really need to start reading fashion books. Not only are the photos always incredible and they'd be wonderful items to feature if the coveteur ever shot pics of my apartment (i know, in my dreams)BUT I'm sure they'd give me a much better understanding of designers. I'm just like you in that I love individual gorgeous pieces more than any specific designer but I'd still like to know more about them.

  2. oooh! looks like SO much inspiration! that is so fun!

    love, polly :D:D

  3. "the bible of fashion" is oh so adequate in that sense. one of the most inspirational books EVER.

    xx //

  4. Ich liebe deinen Blog so sehr, weil du so viele tolle Sachen erlebst. Deine Fotos sind echt gut!

  5. the cover is gorgeous!!!


  6. Amazing. I wanna get this book too.

    Thanks for sweet comment. I followed you, will you follow me back?


  7. How do you like it?

  8. love this post. this book is so cool!!

  9. This looks like an amazing book for every fashion lover :) I need to lay my hands on it asap :)
    I´ve just discovered your lovely blog and I love it! I´m happy to be your new follower :)

    xx Ivana

    Stop by sometimes :)
    Macarons and Pearls

  10. ich mag dein blog sehr gerne
    ich verfolge dicu und wenn du lust hast verfolge mich doch auch

  11. 5 €? 5 €!!! Man, großartiger Fund, bin gerade echt seeeehr seeehr neidisch, haha! :)


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois