
Sunday, October 30, 2011


Yeah I did. Sucks. It's actually due to a really dumb story.

Okay let me tell ya so you can laugh at how stupid I am. You need business cards to enter the Press Day Showrooms or the fair at the sight where the last times Premium was.
Remember how I told you after Fashion Week, I learned that I NEED to get business cards. It's the Blogger 101. Yeah.. never happened. xD
So here I am at the copy shop improvising like a retard to get my business card i.e. ultimate pass to enter the Press Days.
It went something like this: *open word, write down name, address, number, blog address, email, check if you spelled everything correct, copy paste, print on hard paper, cut, cut again coz it's chief!!
FIIIINNNIIISSSHHHEED! yeah. I'm a Rockstaaarrrzzz*
Ironically the Press Days are over when I finish my ultimate pass. Hahaha!
And Germans are punctual. If it's over at 6, it's over at 6. No later.
It just had to happen that way.
Guess that was a lesson for me. *Though shalt not procrastinate.* 
I'm a master of procrastination, serious master of disaster. Oh yeah.. which reminds me I still have a paper due Tuesday for school.. nice pahahahah!

My cards are pretty humongous. They are as big as my identity card.

I've been invited to the Press Days in London though. I doubt I'll be jetting over to London next week. Hardly gonna happen. Sadly...

Anyway, I've had a look at some pictures from my friend Jasmin and the stuff looked pretty promising (e.g. Acne!) ;)
This post was supposed to be filled with fashion coming up with material from the Press Days, but instead I'll force you to look at moi thanks to my Mac's awesome photo booth! Haha :D

such a poser :P

Ps.: These are just a few from 1234567890!! hahahaha

Love Lois xxx

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  1. oh honey :( wir gehen nächste mal zusammen oder so ♥

  2. Awww honey so sorry you didn't make the press days :(

    Eda ♥

  3. Sorry hun, cute pics!!! :)

    xo Emma

  4. Hey,
    wir haben uns auf dem Dawanda Handmade Brunch mit Maria Mena getroffen :)
    Ich hatte gerade draußen ein Foto von Maria gemacht, als du meintest, dass du Geburtstag hast und sie hat dir noch gratuliert, oder?


  5. Ich mag die farbe vom lippenstift :D Ich wünsche dir eine wunderschöne woche & ich hoffe dir gehts gut ♥

  6. Woowww you look stunning dear ! I LOVE your hair and your lipstick ! Nice blog, you're great and I follow you now

    thank you for your lovely comment in my TokyoBlondes

  7. oh neiiin :/ egal, nächstes mal ;)
    danke für deinen kommentar! der goldene nagellack ist von isadora (gibt's bei douglas)

  8. vista print whould help, with 5 euros you get 500 business cards in 3 days. What are you waiting for?

  9. mist... dafür sind die bilder goldig!

  10. Hi Lois,

    es war eigentlich ganz gut bei der We Love Energy Fashion Night. Ich war ja mit Leuten von der Arbeit da, alleine wärs langweilig gewesen. Sonst halt die üblichen B bis Z-Promis. Die Show an sich war ausbaufähig, aber für's erste Mal war's okay :)


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois