
Thursday, September 01, 2011


Here are the pictures from the Skyy Swapping event I visited with Nadine, another event I was invited to last week. Remember when Nadine and me went to swap our old clothes for Jetons at Kauf Dich Glücklich?

Nadine and me actually had no idea what exactly to expect. The location was amazing! Stadtbad Oderberger is one hell of a crazy ass location. (It used to be a swimming pool). The lighting and location kind of reminded of a scene from a Gossip Girl Party. The hot bartenders fit in perfectly.
We didn't find a lot of clothes we wanted to swap, so the Jetons were left for drinks and donation. 200+ for drinks each, 4 per drink. You can do the math :P

After succeeding my plan of trying every drink on the list, you can imagine what the results were? At this point I'd like to high five Barney Stinson for not only accepting a challenge but also accomplishing it. 'Challenge accepted!" And completed. hiiigghh fiiiiivvveee
Here is my advice: NEVER drink Skyy New York unless ofcourse you dig the taste of a cucumber face wash.
ALWAYS buy Skyy Miami (or San Francisco). It's simply the best drink on the card. 

That bartender was so hot and I don't even know how it's possible! And his drink making skills deserve an oscar. At some point I was just buying drinks to watch him make them. xD
You try throwing around a full bottle and looking hot at the same time. It's difficult.

Apparently Eva Padberg and some other German Stars, that don't ring a bell in my head, were there too. My heart skipped 10000 beats when I spotted Jan from VIVA! (The only reason I used to watch VIVA. I'm not much of a (German)TV fan..). He was there with his girlfriend. Shoot

I had a lovely time with Nadine, but unfortunately she left earlier. But I spend the rest of the evening with Josi, Dustin, Jennifer and Jan. Was so funny!
We weren't allowed to take any pictures (which sucks in my opinion), so I've stolen them from the facebook page :)

I've just came back from the Mango Shopping event. Need to finish of some homework and then I'm ready for bed. So tired!
Love you guys!

Love Lois xxx

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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Looking hot hun! loved the mode of the party<3 yes this looks like you were casted in GG:*

  3. seems like an awesome event and i love your outfit!

  4. Klingt nach einer tollen Party! Toll hast du ausgesehen!

    Liebe Grüße!

  5. it seems you had great time girl and this looks like a fabulous event!nice outfit btw <3

    Wizy Wiz

  6. Great pics,hon!Love your look!

  7. toll!! hattest du es gut, eingeladen zu sein!!! toll siehst du aus!!! luv it!!!


  8. You look amazing! I am jalous! You seem to have had an amazing time :)

  9. Tolle Impressionen! Scheint ja eine tolle Nacht gewesen zu sein :)

    Liebst, Franzi

  10. das sieht viel cooler aus als swap in the city. War schön dich gestern kennen gelernt zu haben :)

    Lieben Gruß


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois