
Monday, June 06, 2011


Creativity at an ultimate Level I Kreativität auf einem ultimativem Level

Looking through some of my designs of my room (I redesign it a lot on paper), there has been an element that dates back to 2006 and has been in each design. The illuminated shoe case. It's an simple ikea bookcase with lights in each department. Now I'm not a light architect, but I figured I could put a little lamp at the top of each department hence the name illuminated shoe case.
Now take this idea and multiply it across an entire wall, turn of the main lights, put that of the shoe case on : Welcome to the United Nude Store.
This is what I mean with taken creativity to another level.

Going to an United Nude store must feel like going to an art exhibition, only that you can buy your favorite piece of art and take it with home. :D
I can't wait till I finally get to enter one of their flagship stores. Ultimate experience!

Their shoes are crazy, odd, weird! They are so freakishly creative, infact my first response upon seeing United Nude shoes was "What is this crazy shit?!" quickly followed with a "It's awesome!"
Love at first sight.
The designer duo behind this label is Rem D Koolhaas and Galahad Clark, an architect and a shoe maker, and it was founded in 2003. After reading more about them my appreciation for their designs grew even wider.
Their shoes are like pure art to me and the more I look at them the more I appreciate them. I love the architectual touch and the creativity behind United Nude and simply the idea of combining fashion with architecture.
Truth is, I've been wanting to become an architect but also a fashion designer for a while. United Nude makes both happen :)

United Nude collaborated with Iris van Herpen, a dutch designer.

It took my a while to actually like these shoes, simply because I found the lines too distracting and I couldn't make up my mind whether this was a wedge or a heel. Today I adore this shoe and love the deceiving effect. The brown model is also one of my favorite designs. But you'd never catch me in the first pair (white) as they are just too odd for me :)

Another reason why I love United Nude is that even though they are so crazy their designs are still totally wearable! (Can't say that about Lady Gaga)
They've become my ultimate inspiration pump and fueled me to believe that everything is possible, dream bigger and combine possibilities.
We'll be an never ending love story. If United Nude was a man, this would be the moment I'd ask him to marry me :P

My top 6 favorite shoes in no particular order. It was hard picking them out. Naturally, there are also some shoes that I don't like, but I look at them with different eyes now.

I'd love to wear United Nude shoes to Fashion Week this summer. Fashion week feels like a free pass to wearing crazy outfits, things you don't wear during your everyday life unless you are Lady Gaga ofcourse. 
The only legimate time of the year you can to go all gaga/experimental when it comes to dressing. And these shoes are made for Fashion Week (not that I wouldn't wear them every other day anyway :P) They are stunners and immediate eye catchers ;)
Infact they've got my mind spinning over potential outfits to Fashion Week.

Created to inspire. 
I believe that that is the reason behind Lady Gaga... ahhh I could go on for hours with my theories on human behaviour! Maybe I should become a psycologist :P More on my Lady Gaga theory another time ;)

We owe United Nude and Lady Gaga a lot, they make up for the lost hope, creativity and fantasies in the oh so boring people of our lost society.
This is as obvious as inspiration can get. And we need to welcome it with open arms and appreciate it.

Love Lois xxx

Ps: See you in a week! Off to Florence :D

pps: What do you get when you cross an architect with a shoe maker? United Nude ;P


  1. Wow, that was an interesting post, but not boring at all. Those shoes are amazing, everything about this store seems to be.

  2. Könnte mir die Bilder stundenlang anschauen. Einfach genial. :D

  3. oh my gosh all those shoes are amazing :)
    thanks for sharing - super interesting post!! x

  4. Those shoes are crazy, wonderfully so! x

  5. the most inspirational, beautiful and cuute shoes i have ever fell in love with!

  6. OMG totally in love with the shop design, but what else to expect from such a great brand in shoe design. I'd love to visit one day or maybe we'll have the chance to see the brand coming to Milan too .

    Always following
    The Dolls Factory

  7. These are amazing shoes!!!! I would love the visit the store! Can't wait to hear how Florence is treating you :)

    xo Mary Jo

  8. Art meets design..Love the shoes from UN!! Great post. Follow you now, if you have a minute.. follow back?
    x Milla

  9. Amazing shoes

  10. wow, that is awesome! and the shoes are so interesting and way different!

  11. Total schade. Ohne Regen macht es einfach viel mehr Spaß. :/
    Ich hoffe du hattest trotzdem eine schöne Fahrt :)

  12. yeah those first shoes are amazing hea :D. i saw her (afterdrk) wearing them a few days later. looked pretty comfortable tho :)

    great blog! x

  13. wow the shoes look gorgeous!


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois