
Wednesday, June 29, 2011


via fashionising

Alexander McQueen '12

dreamfuckinlicious. A bit too much embelishment in some in some looks for my taste, but still dreamfuckinlicious.
The dresses? A dream! Now I just need an occasion to wear it. ... Oh yeah and the money to afford it.

Don't forget to join my giveaway. :)

Ps.: define: dreamfuckinlicious
                      a word created by Lois, used to describe something that's so dreamy, it's dreamfuckinlicious

Alexander McQueen Resort '12

dreamfuckinlicious. Ein bisschen zu schnörkelisch bei manchen Looks für mich, aber trotzdem dreamfuckinlicious.
Die Kleider? Ein Traum! Jetzt brauche ich nur noch eine Gelegenheit es zu tragen.  ...Ach ja und das Geld es zu kaufen.
Vergesst nicht, bei meinem Giveaway mitzumachen :)

Ps.: define: dreamfuckinlicious
                      ein Wort erfunden von Lois, um etwas zu beschreiben, das so dreamy ist, dass es
                      dreamfuckinlicious  ist

Love Lois xxx

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1 comment:

  1. I think it's my favorite Resort 2012 collections. The gowns are just stunning. I can't wait to see celebrities wearing them on the red carpet except I'm scared it'll be disappointing.


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois