
Friday, April 29, 2011


via zimbio

It's McQueen, Alexander McQueen. The secret has been lifted, Sarah Burton designed Kate's wedding dress. And it's gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous. I really love the lace detailing with the simplicity of this dress. 
A dream dress.


Es ist McQueen, Alexander McQueen. Das Geheimnis ist gelüftet, Sarah Burton hat Kates Hochzeitskleid designed. Und es ist umwerfend. Total traumhaft. Ich liebe das Lace Detail mit der Schlichtheit des Kleid.
Ein Traumkleid.

"Yes!! Sarah Burton helping Catherine into the car!!! IT iS MCQUEEN!!!!"

Some people have been comparing Kate's dress to Grace Kelly's from 1956. Maybe it's a modern version of  Grace's dream dress. I Einige haben Kate's Kleid mit dem von Grace Kelly von 1956 vergleicht. Vielleicht ist Kate's Kleid die morderne Version von Graces Traumkleid. 

What do you think? Love Kate's dress? 

Nonetheless I wish the couple a happy marriage. This is an unforgettable day for them and can you guys imagine how Kate must feel? She looks stunning today. They haven't kissed yet. Everyone is still waiting for the royal kiss


Was denkt ihr? Liebt ihr Kate's Kleid?

Wie dem auch sei, ich wünsche dem Paar eine glückliche Ehe. Das ist ein unvergesslicher Tag für sie und könnt ihr euch vorstellen wie Kate sich wohl fühlt? Sie sieht bezaubernd aus. Sie haben sich noch nicht geküsst. Alle warten auf den royalen Kuss.

Love Lois xxx

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  1. I really really love this dress. I was so excited to see what it was and I wasn't let down

  2. beautiful dress.♥♥♥ it. Following u :)

  3. Beautiful pictures. So happy it was McQueen!

  4. It's Sarah Burton for McQueen. I was a big fan of him but we need to give all credits to his great continuation designer Sarah.
    Lovely pics!

  5. @Tasso P Ofcourse all credits MUST go to her. She is the designer of this fabulous dress. ;)

  6. She was Gorgeous!! Loved the dress!!

  7. 1956 war die hochzeit von grace kelly, beide kleider sind großartig!

  8. it's more Sarah Burton and less McQueen. Actually McQueen would have given us a more daring dress. And the heels would have been much higher ahahhaa Love the lace too. Is D&G time I think this summer, with all the white lace.

    Always following
    The Dolls Factory

  9. loved the dress <3


  10. hey süße nee nee ich hab ja "nur" den 300 € gutschein gewonnen aber keine einladung und ich glaub die wären auch in berlin oder?



  11. She looks really stunning and her sister is so gorgeous as well.

  12. Hi Lois! I am brazilian and i love your blog!

    Kate was Beautiful!


    Li Gobara

  13. Hey! I just stumbled upon your blog and I can say it's gorgeous ;)
    I love, love, love her dress! It's not too pompous, it's in the same time simple and it's still her! It really suits her. Friday was a day in front of the TV for me ;D
    Have a look at my blog, please. What about following each other? xoxo Nini

  14. she is so gorgeous! love the dress, but i prefer it more wow!

    love your blog, im fllowing!

  15. I love that dress! It's absolutely gorgeous!


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois