
Sunday, February 06, 2011


Music Playlist at
Last week I had to miss out on the Sunday Playlist because of technical difficulties. I really need to get a new computer. This one's inacceptable for blogging. Anyway here is a compilation of songs I've been listening to throughout my short one week of holidays. Being all over Adele again^^ She's coming to Berlin this year. Hopefully I will catch her on her tour, because she really is amazing. Also I'm listenining to You'll never walk alone too, the anthem of Liverpool FC. Today is a stressy day for me, won't go into details^^ But listen to Charice Pempengco's version too. Forward to 1 min though, in the beginning she's  just blabbing around. Enjoy and have a blessed new week. Lotsa Love!! :)

Love Loisxxx
PS.: What do you think of my new hair? :) I'm loving it!


  1. Your hair looks very special and cool.

    I'm thinking about having a little spring-colour-change as well.

  2. süße Playliste, ich hab heute den ganzen Tag Radio gehört im Auto & bin abgegangen wie Schmitz Katze bei Grenade!

    hmm deine Haare sind gewöhnungsbedürftig. Na gut, ich bin kein Rasta-Fan weil ich finde das die Stirn dann so hoch wirkt. Mit nem abgeschrägtem Pony & Löckchen würdest du toll aussehn. DAS würd ich gerne mal sehn ! *__*

    xo xo, Peppi


Go ahead and make my day :) Thank you for all your amazing comments! I read each and everyone of them xxx Love Lois